Pending Debits

What is a pending debit and how to cancel it?

What is a pending debit?

A pending debt occurs when the customer tries to redeem their points. Immediately after redeeming their point during a purchase, a debit is created with the status pending . This means that the debt is not yet fully recorded into the customer account's history. Once the customer completes the order the debit status is then moved from pending to committed and the transaction will appear in the history. The pending state exists to prevent customers from gambling with the system. For example, a customer could try to redeem multiple orders at the same time and get more discounts than they are allocated. The pending debits can be seen in the admin dashboard as explained in the screenshot below.

How to cancel a pending debit

If the customer cancels their redemption, the pending debit is automatically canceled and then the customer gets access to their full balance.

In case the customer exit without completing the order. the pending debit is automatically canceled within 48 hours.

Last updated